
NOTE: You can print a copy of our By-Laws from this page or request a paper copy from any of the club officers.


Mesa Stamp Club, Inc.

Adapted March 18, 2015


The organization is named the Mesa Stamp Club, Inc., and is governed by a Constitution. The Constitution will prevail in any case there might be a discrepancy between the Constitution and the Bylaws.


A Regular Member in Good Standing, who will hold the capacity to cast one vote and / or to hold an office, will be a member who has paid their dues in accordance with the following under Section 1 or Section 2. Dues are considered past due at the March meeting if they have not yet been paid by the member for that calendar year, and a past due status will disqualify an individual from being a Member in Good Standing and from casting their vote.

Section 1: Regular Membership. The membership dues for a Regular Membership are $6.00 a year, and they are due on or before the January meeting and pay for the calendar year. A new Regular Member will pay this same rate between January 1st and June 30th of the year in which they join, or if after June 30th and for the duration of the year the dues will be prorated at $0.50 per month to include the month the new Regular Member is instated through December.

Section 2: Family Membership. The membership dues for a Family Membership are $9.00 a year, and they are due on or before the January meeting and pay for the calendar year. A new Member qualifying under the Family Membership criteria will pay this same rate between January 1st and June 30th of the year in which they join, or if after June 30th and for the duration of the year the dues will be prorated at $0.75 per month to include the month the new Family Membership is instated through December.

Section 3: Honorary (non-voting) Membership. An Honorary Membership is at no cost to the recipient, unless they desire to become a Regular Member in Good Standing for voting or to hold an office in which case they will be subject to the outlines in either Section 1 or Section 2 as may be applicable.


All Officers of the Mesa Stamp Club, Inc. are required to meet the status of a Regular Member in Good Standing in accordance with ARTICLE II.

PRESIDENT. The President shall conduct the Club meetings, arrange for programs and presentations, and formulate meeting agendas. The President shall approve all Minutes and Treasurer Reports and any other type of report drafted to document the official business of the Club.

VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall assist the President in their duties and will assume the President’s duties in the absence of the President.

SECRETARY. The Secretary shall maintain a written record in the form of Meeting Minutes regarding the general activities of the organization, and any official business in detail including motions, seconds, voting, and passing of any such motions. The Secretary shall assist the other Officers in drafting all Club correspondence. The Secretary shall maintain a record of any such Meeting Minutes or official correspondence for inspection by the Membership at the Club’s scheduled meetings, and will post the Minutes on the Club’s Website and prepare and read a Secretary’s report for each next General Meeting. The Secretary will initiate correspondence as may be necessary to announce upcoming meetings or activities of the Club, and will be responsible to maintain the Club’s website or to assist a separate Webmaster should one be appointed. The Secretary will serve in the capacity of Vice President in the Vice President’s absence.

TREASURER. The Treasurer shall maintain the books and records of the club’s finances, receive all monies for dues and member-related activities and issue receipts in the Club’s name. The Treasurer shall be responsible to prepare and read a Treasurer’s Report at each General Meeting. The Treasurer shall serve in the capacity of the Secretary in the Secretary’s absence. The Treasurer and Secretary shall work together to insure the timely filing: (a) The IRS Form 990-N “E-Postcard” (annually) and, (b) the Annual Report of the Arizona Corporation Commission.

ASSOCIATE TREASURER. The Associate Treasurer shall act as a co-signor on the Club’s Bank Accounts, assist the Treasurer as needed, and will serve in the capacity of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence.


These Bylaws may be Amended: (a) A proposed Amendment will be identified and discussed at a General Meeting, (b) from the discussion, a committee will be appointed by the Officers to DRAFT a document of the Amendment, (c) the DRAFT document of the Amendment will be brought to General Membership in the next General Meeting, and (d) a discussion as to the intended meaning will be held. If the DRAFT is accepted in discussion, a Motion will be made and seconded, and a majority Vote of those Regular Members in attendance will be required to carry the Motion. If the DRAFT is to be edited, it will be brought to the next General Meeting for the same consideration of Motion until it is passed. The Secretary and Treasurer shall update the physical documents of the Club and make them available for inspection by the General Membership at the next General Meeting.