Welcome to the Mesa Stamp Club!
COVID and FLU News 2024:
As with any gathering, everyone is requested to respect those in attendance that may be wearing a mask. There's more out there this year than just COVID.
On the brighter side - if we're all more healthy, that'll give us more time and reasons to collect more of those little bits of 'works of art'!
Thank you!
Founded March 28, 1973, the Mesa Stamp Club offers a world-wide membership interest in philately.
Our organization has been an American Philatelic Society member since July 31, 1975.
APS Club #C-083978
--- Mesa Stamp Club, Inc. ---
Welcome to ALL
- Snowbirds - Visitors - Transplants -
and even Native Arizonians!
YES! We meet - faithfully - each and every month throughout the year!
Time: Regular meetings are held throughout the year on the third Wednesday of each month between 7 and 9 PM with the doors opening usually around 6:15 PM for set up and socializing.
Location: Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park Club House
535 S Alma School Rd., Mesa, Arizona
North of Highway 60, but just south of Broadway,
the Alma Meadows Mobile Home entrance is on the east side of Alma School Road.
Our monthly meeting agenda:
Secretary's Report
Treasurer's Report
President's Report
Guest Speaker or Presentation
Close of Business
Wow! Not many clubs have such a neat activity such as our Auction! Members are encouraged to bring in their duplicates, surplus inventory or Ebay excesses and have fun selling and buying! Often times members donate lots to be sold to benefit the club. You won't regret coming for this!
Honestly? Visit one of our monthly meetings and see why we've been around for over 5 decades! Heck - we'll even throw in free coffee and sometimes a cookie or two! If you decide to join us it's only $10.00 a year for 12 fun packed meetings including a Christmas Potluck Party to boot!
YES! We meet - faithfully - each and every month
even through the agenda or minutes may be missing below!
2024 Meeting Notices:
Emailed on May12 - Jeff Bushman's Meeting Invite
Good Afternoon.
You're probably counting the hours already, without this reminder, but just in case, there are 74.5 of them until 7:00 P.M. Wednesday when the meeting of the Mesa Stamp Club will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday 5/15.
The scheduled program will be Vinnie discussing stamps relating to space. Of course bigger stamps take up more space than smaller ones, but I expect that's not the focus of the presentation.
In response to an earlier mailing someone asked for the location of the meeting. While almost everyone who receives this will have been to at least one such meeting, for anyone who hasn't, the location is the clubhouse at Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park.
To finish, I'll peasant an interesting factoid. When surveys are taken to reveal what people's greatest fears are, fear of public speaking ranks higher than fear of death. That's always stricken me as amazing. I'm even scared of a bad cold.
See y'all there.
Emailed on May 5 - Jeff Bushman's Meeting Invite
Good Evening. In ten days on May 15 the Mesa Stamp Club will hold the May-sa stamp club meeting, at Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park.
For this month's program, Vinnie will be presenting a discussion of stamps relating to the exploration of space - the Final Frontier as they say. As a linguistic side note, the word frontier in Spanish, is "frontera" which also means "border." I'm not sure if there's any significance to that but now you know something you didn't know before, demonstrating that not all knowledge is useful.
So please show up to hear and see Vinnie's presentation. You'll be glad you did.
Emailed on Apr 9 - Jeff Bushman's Meeting Invite
Good Evening.
April 17 is the next stamp club lollapalooza (aka meeting) for the Mesa Stamp Club to be held at Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park. The program will be a stamp trivia quiz and there will be - I'm told - prizes so good that no mere mortal will be able to stand the excitement.
So put on your dancing boots (this is from a song lyric and if you ask me nicely, I won't sing it for you) and be there. That date of course, is a Wednesday 8 days from the date of this note. See you there.
Emailed on Mar 13 - Emailed Meeting Invite from Jeff Bushman:
We're a bit later than usual getting this note out, but better late than.... something. Anyway, the next meeting takes place on March 20 at Alma Meadows. Can you feel Spring in the air? Can you smell the pollution?
In any event, unless I'm mistaken, the program is Buy/Trade/Sell, so if you have something to sell (in the way of stamps of course) or trade, bring it/them. If you want to buy, bring dinero/money/dough/moolah, and I only know the word in two other languages so I'll stop there before showing how ignorant I am.
See you there and bring your stamps/money/and sunny disposition. Thanks.
Emailed on Feb 18 - Emailed Meeting Invite from Jeff Bushman:
Today is February 18 and the next meeting of the Mesa Stamp Club will be this coming Wednesday starting at 7:00 P.M.
Even though the weather has turned more comfortably warm since our last meeting, the a/c in our meeting room tends to work very well, so you might still want to bring a jacket for yourself. Actually I was thinking of gloves and ear muffs. I'd even consider a mukluk if I knew what one was or I knew how to spell it.
Beyond that, today (Sunday) ended the stamp show that the club sponsored and ran this weekend. If you didn't get a chance to come by, it was really amazing and Tom R. and the other people who worked on getting it done, did an incredibly great job.
So you'll get to hear more about it at the meeting, among other things, and feel free to show and tell, which is the program Tom Smith announced for this meeting at the last one (I'm just demonstrating that I still have a small semblance of a memory left).
Hope to see you there.
Emailed on Feb 12 - Emailed Meeting Invite from Jeff Bushman:
Greetings and Salutations (or maybe the other way around). The February meeting of the Mesa Stamp Club will be on February 21 (the second of the year if you're keeping track and don't know which month of the year February is) at Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park in the meeting room, and the official start time is 7:00 P.M.
By then the 2024 edition of the stamp show that the club is sponsoring and running will be history and we'll have the opportunity to hear how great a success it was. I hope I'll have seen you all there.
Also at that meeting, the program will either be Don't Ask, Don't Tell or Show and Tell (as I age, the memory begins to fade). So don't take a chance. Bring some stamps and Show them and Tell about them.
For those of you who are curious about such things, our email list now equals 40 people for these meeting notices which is about double what it was. For all the people who think stamp collecting is a dying hobby, there's some evidence to the contrary.
Further I sayeth not.
Emailed on Jan 17 - Emailed Meeting Invite from Jeff Bushman:
Top o' the day to y'all.
The next meeting - the first of 2024 - of the Mesa Stamp Club will occur on January 17 at the Alma Meadows Mobile Home Park. That, as always, will be a Wednesday.
A respectful suggestion: wear a coat and a hat. Outside my home this morning it was 36 degrees, and lest anyone reading this think I'm reporting that in Celsius, it's not. I've been communicating with someone in Thailand over the last year and I have to keep converting temperatures and time zones. Actually 36 C would be around 83 degrees F. Greatly preferable in my book.
Anyway, see you there if no one in my family breaks any bones.
2023 Dates:
(Obtaining copies to place here)
2022 Dates:
Nov 16 - John will talk about the history of swans on souvenir sheets
Feb 16 - (TBD) - presented by Ted
Jan 14 - Caribou and Codfish - The Stamps of Newfoundland - presented by Ted
2021 Dates:
Dec 15 - Our Annual Christmas Party Pot Luck - no meeting, just meeting and greeting our philatelic friends and acquaintances!
Jul 21 - WELCOME BACK - First meeting
2020 Dates:
Jan - Dec COVID
2019 Dates:
Mar 20 - TBA (and our 46th year Anniversary!!!)
Feb 20 - TBA
Jan 16 - General Discussion of members interests and on the APS show coming to town.
2018 Dates:
Mar 21 - (Potential live presentation of our very successful web site) and/or TBD
Feb 21 - Updating Treasurer's Records and presentation on Airmail Covers
Jan 17 - General Discussion on ARIPEX and coming year.
2017 Dates:
Apr 19 - John Clundt will speak to the members and friends.
Mar 15 - Mr. Kevin Lesk will take the floor to update us on this year's ARIPEX convention held in Mesa this past month.
2016 Dates:
Jan 20 - Dr. Steve Adler will present a program about Collecting Covers.
2015 Dates:
Dec 16 - This is our annual Holiday party - we'll see everyone there!
Nov 18 - Benefit Auction !! Bring your auctions to benefit the club.
Oct 21 - Bill will be giving us a Current (2015) Update of Stamp Collecting in Europe and South America.
As with any gathering, it's only as fun and interesting as you help make it. If you've an interesting topic, story, collecting method, collecting aid or neat finds - consider sharing at one of our meetings. You need not be a member to share and we all care about furthering our great hobby. For any club questions or suggestions please contact our President shown in the Contact Listings.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback about our web site.
What might we include, write about, expand, update?
Your views and opinions are important so that we can help make
stamp collecting and clubs interesting, vibrant and welcoming.
Contact the webmaster on our contact page or any of the officers listed there.
Never too young to start..... Never too young at heart!
Last Update: 02 MAR 24
Unless otherwise specified, all rights reserved © 2024 Mesa Stamp Club, Inc.
Webmaster - rakgoma@gmail.com
Founded March 28, 1973..........................................................................................................................................................................Incorporated March 18, 2015
TAGS: philatelic, USPS, stamp, collecting, album, PEX, federation, stamp club, stamp collecting,exhibition, societies, postal history, plate number, coil, plate block, zipcode, zip code, topical association, american philatelic, philatelic society, gutter pair, duck stamp, national philatelic, stamp & coin, Postal Service, Post Office, postal, merit badge, hobby, indoor hobby, FDC, first day, First Day Cover, cancel, cancellation, postal cancellation, cover, CTO, RPO, tong, UV, phosphor, phosphorus, watermark, USPO, USPD, mail, rpo, bpo, postage, hobby, stamp collecting, stamp hobby, approvals, Minkus, Scott, Linn's, stamp wholesaler, meekel's, lighthouse, cachets, stamp hinge, dennison, dennisen, harris, hearst, held brothers, duck stamps, stamp collector, document stamp, hawid, prinz, showgard, white ace, minkus, linder, lighthouse, postal history, phoenix stamp, phoenix club, phoenix stamp club, aripex, arizona philatelic, philatelic exposition, exposition, mesa stamp club, ppa, stamp donation, arizona stamp club, postcard, FDC, first day cover, postage due, duck stamp, revenue stamp, stamp news, linn's, yvert et tellier, michel, stanley gibbons, dave, schaubek, h.e.harris, RPO, railroad post office, stamp collection, ATA, american topical association, stamp auction, stamp dealer, stamp circuit, stamp approval ANSS, Arizona National Stamp Show, postal exhibit, cancel to order, airmail, perforation, southwest stamps